In conversation with Stacey Borden, founder and executive director of New Beginnings Reentry Services, learn how Black and Brown women disproportionately end up in prison, how the criminal legal system fails them, and why Borden is an advocate for healing over imprisonment. You’ll learn about concrete actions you can take to advocate for justice.
New Beginnings Reentry Services is a Dorchester organization whose mission is to reduce recidivism by advocating for and providing services to formerly incarcerated women reentering local communities. For almost 30 years, Borden was in and out of prison. From her personal experiences and understanding of the system, she became an abolitionist and fierce advocate for women suffering from domestic and sexual violence. She has a master’s degree in mental health counseling with a concentration in addictions and trauma. She has been honored with numerous awards for her commitment to community service and advocacy for others.
This is a hybrid event — join in person at Beth El, or virtually on Zoom or Livestream:
Sponsored by the Antiracism Working Group in partnership with Cantor Vera Broekhuysen and J-LOFT (Jewish Learning Opportunities for Teens).