Youth & Family Education

Registration for the 2024-25 school year is now open — register any time!

50% discount + FREE Beth El membership for new families!

Congregation Beth El offers engaging, personal and experiential Jewish education for young learners of all ages, from toddlers to high school seniors — and we don’t forget those who raise them!

What makes Beth El different?

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  • Beth El is a small congregation with two dedicated professional educators on staff in addition to our team of talented and devoted teachers, as well as a rabbi and cantor who are intimately involved in all our educational programs.
  • We believe that having intimate classes is an advantage. It allows us to craft our curriculum and programs for each and every student and provide the personal attention that our learners — with all their diverse needs — deserve.
  • Young families are invited to join us for a family-friendly musical Shabbat Service on the first Friday night of every month.
  • We always welcome new and old friends to participate in our young family activities regardless of congregational affiliation or membership. Our programs are inclusive and open to all families.
  • While Jewish education sometimes tends to fade out after b’nai mitzvah, that isn’t the story at Beth El. Our teens program is unparalleled in its quality and breadth of offerings, and virtually all our students stay actively engaged through high school graduation.

Read on to learn about Beth El’s educational journey.


BEginnings is a monthly Sunday morning introduction to Jewish education for families with children 0-5 years old. Each morning includes a light bagel breakfast, and Kehilla (community) time, followed by parallel child and parent programming.

  • 8:45–9:30 am — Play, schmooze, eat! Enjoy a dedicated playing area filled with toys, as well as bagels, coffee, and hot cocoa.
  • 9:30–9:45 am — Kehilla (community) gathering, led by Beth El clergy
  • 9:45–10:30 am — Parallel sessions for parents and kids:
    • Kids age 3-5 go to our preschool room to engage in Jewish arts and crafts, storytelling, and playtime led by Beth El teachers.
    • Parents and younger children stay with our clergy for collaborative educational sessions focusing on Jewish parenting, holiday how-to’s, and more — most importantly, forming connections with other local Jewish or interfaith families.


Sessions are usually on the third Sunday of each month:

  • September 15, 2024
  • October 20, 2024
  • November 17, 2024
  • December 15, 2024
  • January 12, 2025
  • February 16, 2025
  • March 16, 2025
  • April 13, 2025
  • May 18, 2025


The program is free for all Beth El members, and for non-members with children 0-3. For nonmembers with children 3-5, there’s a $250 annual fee. Please come to a session (let us know in advance) to experience the program before making any commitment. For questions and additional information, don’t hesitate to reach out — email

» Register for the program

» Try it out first!

All are welcome!

While Congregation Beth El is affiliated with the Reform movement, our culture allows for members who identify with different denominations to feel at home. Beth El is also known for, and takes pride in, being a warm and welcoming home for many interfaith families, and families from the LGBTQIA+ community.

Elementary Education

BE InSpirEd (K-7)

(what we used to call Hebrew school)

“BE InSpirEd” stands for Beth El Innovative Spiritual Education. We believe that education should be fun, engaging, and a source of wonder and natural inquiry to our learners. Learners in preK to grade 7 get together every Sunday morning for a healthy blend of community time (kehilla) and Hebrew and Judaics learning.

Our Sunday mornings include:

  • 8:30am — Bagels, hot chocolate and coffee
  • 9:00am — Kehilla (family gathering led by Cantor Vera and Rabbi Josh)
  • 9:30am — Hebrew and Judaics classes

In addition, students in grades 3-7 are offered weekly Hebrew classes online in a timeframe that works for them with one of Beth El’s excellent Hebrew instructors.

Torah Class

In the year leading up to their bar/bat mitzvah, students and their families study with Rabbi Josh and Cantor Vera in our Torah Class that culminates in a family Shabbat retreat. Together they explore questions of Jewish identity in the 21st century, role-play issues in Jewish ethics, and draw close together as a mutually supportive community.


The Jewish holidays are a special time at Beth El, when students and their families are invited to participate in special programming tailored to their specific age group. Our educators, along with Rabbi Josh and Cantor Vera, create a different and unique experience every year to bring to Jewish holidays to life.



Beth El is home to J-LOFT (Jewish Learning Opportunities for Teens), a regional collaboration among several synagogues that offers a rich variety of academic and experiential Jewish explorations, including our flagship subsidized travel programs:

In addition to these popular travel programs, all our teens in grades 8-12 get together two Sunday nights a month for an evening of community (with dinner), fun, and learning, led by a team of local clergy and educators. To learn more about J-LOFT, visit

While J-LOFT is a collaborative program, Beth El members are privy to additional activities such as family nights, holiday celebrations, a fall retreat, and temple overnights.

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