Beth El’s “Wise Aging” program is based on the book Wise Aging: Living with Joy, Resilience, and Spirit by Rabbi Rachel Cowan and Dr. Lynda Thal. The program will consist of six Sunday sessions beginning in November and continuing throughout the year. The first session led by Rabbi Josh and Cantor Vera on September 9 looked at Chapters 1 and 2 (“Exploring this Stage of Our Lives” and “The River of Life”).
The facilitators for the following six sessions will be Beth El members Joel Perlmutter, Janet Strassman-Perlmutter, and Linda Yael Schiller, who have backgrounds in clinical social work and psychology. The final session will be led again by the Beth El clergy. The program will be held at Beth El on Sundays from 2–4pm.
Click here to register to attend in person or over Zoom. For more information, email