Tu B’Shevat Winter Seed-Sowing Workshops: Evening Session


Monday, January 22, 2024    
6:45pm – 8:45pm

Event Type

The seeds you plant will help us create a native, sustainable garden for Beth El. Take home some pots to care for in your garden until they are ready for planting or help us care for them in the STRIP (Sustainable Turf Renewal and Improvement Project). No experience needed Just a willingness to get your hands dirty for a healthier planet!

The workshops will take place on the following days and times. All are welcome at either event!

  • Sunday, January 21 at 11 a.m. (join us right after BE InSpirEd)
  • Monday, January 22 at 6:45 p.m. at the high school Tu B’Shevat activity

You can help us prepare for seeding by bringing your clean milk jugs or plastic lettuce containers to Beth El by January 14. 

This event is in person only. Registration is required for the high school Tu B’Shevat event only. Facilitated by the “STRIP Club” and the Garden Committee.

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