Did you know that Black people were once enslaved in Massachusetts? Join us for a tour of Medford’s Royall House and Slave Quarters, where some 60 Black adults and children were enslaved. Learn about their lives, the intertwined stories of White wealth and Black bondage, and the resistance and political and legal activism of enslaved and free Black people in the eighteenth century.
The tour is appropriate for ages 9 to adult. The cost is free for up to 15 people, thanks to Beth El’s Tikkun Olam Fund. Space is limited, so register soon! The deadline is Wednesday, June 21. Click here to register.
The Royall House is located at 15 George St., Medford, MA. Carpooling can be arranged for those who are interested. Sponsored by the Beth El Antiracism Working Group and Tikkun Olam Committee. For more information, email antiracism@bethelsudbury.org.