The Lemon Tree: Community Interfaith Book Discussion


Sunday, February 9, 2025    
2:00pm – 3:30pm

Event Type

Congregation Beth El invites you to a community interfaith book discussion. Palestinians and Israelis will share their personal stories using the prism of The Lemon Tree‘s narrative. This event is cosponsored by Sudbury’s Memorial Congregational Church (UCC), St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, Sudbury United Methodist Congregation, and First Parish Sudbury Unitarian Universalist .

Sandy Tolan’s book The Lemon Tree was published in 2006. In her words, “Through a single house, and the lemon tree in its garden, lay a path to the histories, both separate and intertwined, of the al-Khairi and Eshkenazi families, and to the larger story of two peoples on one land. This promised to be not simply a recounting of decades of pain and retaliation; as I began interviews with Bashir Khairi in Ramallah and Dalia Eshkenazi Landau in Jerusalem, I quickly saw I would cross new landscape, to the twin hearts of the story.”

Please join us for this powerful opportunity to listen to one another, and register here if you plan to attend. For more background, see the recent d’var Torah by Janet Strassman Perlmutter, VP Tikkun Olam.

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