Meditation with Beth El member David Daniel Klipper


Wednesday, October 19, 2022    
11:00am – 12:30pm

Dates: October 19 and 26 (Zoom only)

Almost everyone we know is experiencing depression, fatigue, and/or anxiety, and for good reason: after all this time, COVID is still increasing and we’re all sick of having to take precautions or take risks. If that isn’t enough, democracy remains at risk in this country, and there are unimaginable horrors taking place in the Ukraine, Afghanistan, and elsewhere around the world. And there’s the ordinary stuff – family, money, work, retirement, friends, spiritual practice, and personal health.

What can we do about it? Meditate! Meditation has been demonstrated many times to have significant benefits to physical health. It can help people experiencing disease or chronic pain. Emotionally, it can help regulate emotions, diminishing irritability, assisting people in coping with depression and anxiety, and helping people be less reactive. Spiritually, meditation can deepen one’s connection with the Holy and infuse new meaning into religious practice.

David Daniel Klipper grew up in New York and worked as an investment banker for 24 years. In 2002 he changed course and became a chaplain, Jewish spiritual director, rabbinic pastor, and teacher of chaplains. In 2021, he began a two-year mindfulness meditation teacher training course and joined Congregation Beth El in 2022. He holds a BA from CCNY and an MBA from Stanford University. David Daniel is married with two adult children, writes haiku and published a book of haiku from silent meditation retreats.

Click here to register and get the Zoom link. This program is sponsored by the Beth El Adult Ed Committee. For more information, call the Beth El office: 978-443-9622.

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