Jewish Sci-Fi Book Club


Wednesday, July 17, 2024    
8:00pm – 9:00pm

Event Type

The June 26th class has been rescheduled. The class for June/July will be help on July 17th.
Our voyages into Jewish Fantasy and Science fiction continues with The Pomegranate Gate (a finalist for the 2018 Locus Awards and nomine for a 2018 Hugo Award), by Ariel Kaplan.
In this first book of the Mir­ror Realm Cycle series, Ariel Kaplan invites read­ers into a com­plex, ful­ly real­ized uni­verse. Com­bin­ing his­to­ry and fan­ta­sy, the nov­el fol­lows Jew­ish char­ac­ters who are reject­ed and relent­less­ly pur­sued by the world of Chris­t­ian Spain. A young Jew­ish woman named Toba enters the realm of the Maziks, mag­i­cal crea­tures with pow­ers men­ac­ing enough to rival those of the Inqui­si­tion. Toba’s place in their realm is fur­ther com­pli­cat­ed by her unusu­al past. As each char­ac­ter strug­gles to evade pun­ish­ment for being Jew­ish, they nav­i­gate twist­ing paths and encounter unex­pect­ed outcomes.
 Join in the conversation at our regular link – and spread the word to any guests; all are warmly invited to join!
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