Guided tour of the Boston Black Heritage Trail


Sunday, October 9, 2022    
12:00pm - 1:30pm

Guided tour for Beth El members and friends of the Boston Black Heritage Trail, part of the Boston African American National Historic Site operated by the National Park Service. Space is limited to 20 people and registration is required — click here to register (do not register for the tour on the Black Heritage Trail website).

The Black Heritage Trail showcases residences and community buildings associated with a Black community that thrived on and near the north slope of Beacon Hill before, during, and after the Civil War. Throughout that time, this community struggled and organized for equal rights and access to equal education. Community members championed the movement to abolish slavery and even housed freedom seekers on their journey along the Underground Railroad. The tour begins at the Robert Gould Shaw and Massachusetts 54th Regiment Memorial across the street from the Massachusetts State House and ends at the Museum of African American History, covering about 1.4 miles.

Sponsored by the Beth El Antiracism Working Group. Questions? Email or call Marjorie Pechet at 774-249-3160.

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