Decorating Yartzeit Candle Holder Workshop


Sunday, June 12, 2022    
1:00pm – 2:30pm

Join Nicci Meadow who will teach us how to decorate a holder with beads and broken or unwanted Jewelry. Please bring your unwanted or broken jewelry and some special buttons from your sewing box. Nicci has a small collection of jewelry to share as well from past projects she has worked on.

RSVP to Marjorie Raskin by June 9th so we know how many candle holders to have available. We will meet outdoors in the garden, under a tent. Bring a picnic or eat at home. As we decorate the holder with the broken or retired jewelry, we may be inspired to talk about who in our lives we are remembering and the significance of the yahrzeit candle in our tradition. Most importantly, we are taking time together.

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