Art exhibit at Beth El

The “Do Not Stand Idly By: Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof!” exhibit on display at Beth El showcases the work of 11 Beth El artists and 16 pieces of art. The art spans a range of media, including oil, watercolor, and pastel paintings; quilts, installations, photography, collage, and sculpture. The exhibit will be up on the hallway walls and in the foyer through early January 2023, at which time our next exhibit will be installed.

Among the artists is Beth El member Linda Klein, whose work was profiled in a Tufts Now article: “She Thought the Artwork’s Time Had Passed. Then Roe v. Wade Was Overturned.”

Sponsored by the Art at Beth El Collaborative, part of the Beautification Committee’s efforts to enhance the interior and exterior experience at Beth El. For more information, email Carolyn Schwartz.

(Image: “Lift Every Voice,” a quilt piece by Lisa Breit)

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