Adult Learning


“Say not: ‘When I have time I will study,’ because you may never have the time.” — Hillel

» Schedule, Zoom links, and study materials

Shabbat Morning Torah Hevras

Torah Study with Rabbi Josh Breindel

Join our rabbi for an ongoing conversation about the intersection of ancient texts and modern life. Together, we’ll approach the weekly Torah portion through the lens of midrash (rabbinic narrative), mysticism and a dash of pop culture. After exploring a segment of the portion, we’ll unpack it with classical and modern commentaries that stimulate conversation and provides insights into our text’s enduring power and relevance. All are welcome as we enter this new year guided by ancient teachings and modern insight.

Hasidic Texts (lay led)

Explore Hasidic commentaries on the weekly Torah portion, wrestling with issues as timely as they are timeless. Torah text and commentary are studied in Hebrew with English translation. Knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to be a full participant.

Everyday Torah (lay led)

Join us on the first Shabbat of each month as we delve into and discuss the weekly Torah portion. The group is lay led by Rabbi Judy Spicehandler. It takes place on Zoom.

Historical Judaism (lay led)

We have been studying post-biblical Jewish writings and writers, in order to better understand the Torah, its background and the antecedents of contemporary Judaism. We are currently reading excerpts from works by Rabbinic, Karaite, and Judeo-Arabic thinkers in the Geonic to early medieval period.

Other learning opportunities

Wending Our Way toward Wise Aging

Assorted Sundays at 2:00pm

Beth El’s “Wise Aging” program is based on the book Wise Aging: Living with Joy, Resilience, and Spirit by Rabbi Rachel Cowan and Dr. Lynda Thal.    » Learn more…

Teachings for our Lives: Torah and Middot

Every other Tuesday from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Study with Cantor Emerita Lorel Zar-Kessler in a hybrid class combining Torah study and middot (ethical practice). Our study combines Torah text study, round-table discussion, one-on-one learning, meditation, and song. Many paths help us explore the power of cultivating our individual and communal soul traits (middot), always growing to become more of the persons and community we strive to be. Email Lorel for more information. 

Advanced Adult Hebrew

Mondays from 7:15–8:15pm

This class is for students who have a basic grounding in Hebrew grammar. Through classic and modern texts, song, and poetry, we deepen our spiritual and cultural connection to Judaism, the land of Israel, and to Jews around the world. The class mets on Mondays from 7:15–8:15pm. Spring 2025 dates:


February 17 (hybrid)
February 24 (hybrid)
March 3 (hybrid)
March 17 (Zoom only)
March 24 (Zoom only)
March 31 (Zoom only)
April 7 (Zoom only)

For more information and/or to see if this class is right for you, email Janet Buchwald.

Jewish Fantasy and Sci-Fi Book Club

Last Wednesday of each month, 8–9:30pm

Explore the strange new worlds of Jewish fantasy and science fiction with Rabbi Josh Breindel and Stephanie Bennett. Each month via Zoom, we’ll offer a new title to read and join together to explore its themes and perspectives on Jewish life and culture. Open to everyone, anywhere!   » Learn more…

Hasidic Tales

Thursdays at 11:00am

The stories of the Hasidim are wellsprings of inspiration, spiritual uplift and profound insights.  You are warmly invited to lend your voice to this ongoing conversation as we blend our lived experience with these evocative (and often delightful!) teachings. All texts are in English and are posted in advance here.

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