Fund Descriptions


Beth El General Fund

A donation fund for unrestricted gifts to the congregation.

Endowed Funds

Beth El Fund for Jewish Education & Culture — Established to enrich and expand educational and cultural offerings through lectures, classes, fine arts performances and workshops.

Beth El Fund for the Future — Established to preserve Congregation Beth El as a place for Jewish worship and learning, and to promote the enrichment and vitality of programs at Beth El.

The Carob Tree — Established to enhance the culture of giving at Congregation Beth El. The earnings derived from gifts are used to keep Beth El vibrant and strong by preserving the financial viability and stability of the congregation.

Special Funds

Adult Education — Supports courses, teachers and speakers beyond the Talmud Torah (Adult Ed) budget and to provide scholarships for tuition-based courses.

Beth El Tzedek Scholarship Fund — Provides financial support to deserving first-generation immigrant students at Framingham State University who demonstrate financial need and academic promise and who have completed at least one semester at FSU. Learn about our 2023 scholarship recipient.

Beth Elders Activities Fund — Supports a variety of programs organized by the Beth Elders for the Beth El community.

Building Enhancement & Repairs — Supports repairs and improvements to the building and facilities.

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund — Enhances the musical life of the congregation.

Beth El College Fund — Supports the purchase of Jewish holiday packages for our college students.

Garden of the Generations — Provides plants and shrubs for the beautification of the grounds around our building and to provide for the maintenance of our landscaping.

Hevra Mishpacha (Caring Community) — Enables us to help members with personal or family needs, including such unexpected problems as illness, disability or difficult life events.

HiBur Scholarship Fund — Provides scholarships for Beth El students taking part in the HiBur exchange program with a high school in Haifa, Israel.

Israel/Camp Youth Scholarship Fund — Provides scholarships to send youths to Israel and to Jewish summer camps.

Library Fund — Augments our book and magazine collections.

NEW: Music Fund — To support music programs (standalone events or series) and musical components, which could include”

  • Upgrading audio equipment
  • Purchasing sheet music
  • Purchasing music licensing to keep us copyright-compliant
  • Hiring outside musicians to support wider programs at Beth El (i.e., for a special Shabbat, Simchat Torah, etc.)

Prayerbook Fund — Supports printing and revisions of Beth El’s prayerbooks.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund — Funds held by the rabbi to be dispersed as he/she sees a need.

Ritual Objects — Helps us acquire and maintain articles such as Torah coverings, Torah silver, etc.

Sanctuary Project — Provides food and living needs assistance to and advocacy for vulnerable immigrants in our community.

Tikkun Olam (Repair the World) Fund — Supports social justice programs that help to keep our commitment as Jews to “heal the world.”

Youth and Family Education Fund — Provides scholarship assistance for students who cannot afford to attend special school programs, funds programing opportunities to support learning goals, and pays for “extras” for the religious school.

Youth Fund — Provides funding for teens to attend retreats and regional events.


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