Join the Chevra Yom Chamishi and Cantor Vera for a Tu b'Shvat breakfast immediately following morning minyan! We’ll share thoughts, memories, stories, and songs of [...]
Julie Leavitt co-leads a meditative, moving Shabbat Shacharit service approximately every two months with our clergy, full of chant and contemplation. Together we’ll sing, breathe [...]
BEginnings is a monthly Sunday morning introduction to Jewish education for families with children 0-5 years old. Each morning includes a light bagel breakfast and [...]
BEginnings is a monthly Sunday morning introduction to Jewish education for families with children 0-5 years old. Each morning includes a light bagel breakfast and [...]
Made from the earth and animated by spiritual knowledge, the golem serves its creator and protects the Jewish people... for a time. From Rabbinic writings [...]
Let the sounds of Shabbat Rinah embrace your heart. The voices and instruments of the Rinah musicians weave warmth in this winter month. During this [...]
Join Beth El crafters and Cantor Vera for a crafting get-together. Bring your own portable art or craft and some ideas for future communal crafts. [...]
One of science fiction’s most beloved rogues, "The Stainless Steel Rat", known also by his alias "Slippery Jim DiGriz" is the galaxy’s greatest interstellar thief [...]
Made from the earth and animated by spiritual knowledge, the golem serves its creator and protects the Jewish people... for a time. From Rabbinic writings [...]